About Us
A Spiritual Home for World Travellers

The SA Congregation ("Gemeente”) is a protestant church of mostly South Africans living and working in the United Kingdom. We have Afrikaans services throughout England (with live English translation available at many of the venues). We have church services in Birmingham, Guildford, London, Loughton, and Maidstone.
SA Congregation is a registered charity in the UK with member no 1151071, and is a participating member of the Evangelical Alliance.
We believe that the church is God’s family - people living faithfully with a love for God, a love for people and a responsibility to serve the world.
For SA Congregation, our relationship with Jesus Christ is the most important. We are challenged daily to live close to Him and to grow in our faith in Jesus Christ. Our focus will always be the deepening of our faith and for this faith formation, we primarily use our Church services and Kids Ministries.
At SA Congregation, our family of believers is most valuable. We are each other’s closest family in the UK and have a shared responsibility to pray for, and support each other, but also to challenge each other in our daily walk with Christ. Accountability is the key for healthy relationships. We build this faith community through a variety of small group ministries as well as different forms of pastoral care.
We believe that the Lord called us for a specific mission in the UK. We have a shared responsibility in the world we live and work in to be faithful witnesses in all manners possible. As church, we are involved in a wide variety of outreaches in and outside the UK.
Loving God... loving people... serving the world